Dolphin Whisper


just started using my GoPro5 instead of 4 so you should see better quality in the photos. shot this in South Sumatra and found it on there. Takami-san, Matsu, and Kimura-san coconut time…

it’s crazy how many times i bump into dolphins these days. it feels like every time i go out on Mayuki, the dolphins come to play. sometimes the dolphins keep swimming by like this so i just surf the ocean waves with them.

i’ve been going on different boats for my whole life, but Mayuki is my Princess. when i’m behind the wheel, i can feel her guiding me to places that i’ve never been before. on the days where no other boats can handle, Mayuki can. so i take care of this Princess by spending as much time with her. she’s happy, and so am i…

gosh, i haven’t dove deeper than 50′ for a long time. so going deep down a few times yesterday was like going into another world. much quieter, much calmer, and much more peaceful. i use to feel like i can fall asleep down there, that hasn’t changed…

i use to go to amusement parks that keep dolphins in captivity. i’d look into the dolphins eyes and know they weren’t happy. i use to watch hundreds of tourists chase dolphins all day long on the West side. i’d look into the dolphins eyes and know they weren’t happy. so swimming alone with this dolphin that left her pod to play with me yesterday was truly amazing. we’d swim side by side, i’d look in her eyes, she would look into mine. then she would smile. i could tell this dolphin was right where she wanted to be. swimming freely in the biggest ocean stress free. after a few minutes of playing together, she gracefully passed by again, gave me another smile, and continued back to her family. another ocean experience i’ll never forget…
