Duck Wars and False Advertising


super happy to surf with Hikaru-san today. been teaching this girl how to surf and things have finally come together. much more confidence and much better balance. if you can smile on a wave like this, that’s great!

the waves were small today but when the set came, Hikaru-san was on it.

i enjoy watching people surf. maybe that’s why i only caught 2 waves today. i don’t have to surf to be happy, i just have to be in the ocean to be happy…

good job girl! keep on surfing and keep on smiling!

ever since i seen these Duck boats, i always thought it was very unsafe. it’s just not designed to be in the ocean. this one sank in a lake. so there is no reason the Duck tours should still be operating in Hawaiian waters. does it take a tragic accident for people to learn???

omg, this photo of Chinese carrying a missile made me nervous. what if one of them dropped it?

the New Otani hotel on Kaimana Beach went way overboard by photoshopping this optical illusion. they keep on sending me promotional emails and i keep laughing at this fake photo.

another New Otani advertisement and now i laugh even more because this photo is supposed to make you feel great on this white sandy beach. the only problem is that this photo was taken on a totally different island. OMG! when is this kind of false advertising going to stop???
