California’s Best of the Best!


opps, forgot to post this last night. probably fell asleep before i could click on the publish button. sorry…

could you imagine how much pressure is on the line at huge career changing events like this? all of us family and friends are all stressed out, but guess who is the most calm? yes, Seth. haha.

no matter who ends up winning the contest, Seth Moniz stole the show. this air will be on the highlight reel forever. here’s the replay.

no, Seth doesn’t have glue on his feet.

i always teach people to become ONE with your surfboard. this is what you call becoming ONE with your surfboard.

from here, there is no possible way to pull something like this off. good try though.

this is where the crowd went silent because everybody thought Seth fell.

then the kid pops up and completes the nearly impossible air. the crowd erupts!

that’s my boy! i’m so proud of this kid!

even Benji, my sister, and Joshua were in disbelief. haha.

my sister was so stoked she started to bang the pole so hard! haha. i never seen her this excited before. Seth ended up winning the heat and a lot of surfers hearts around the world.
