Turtle Bread Surf!


another amazing day with an amazing Father and Daughter. Matsumoto-san is a super strong and solid man. it was only his 2nd time surfing and he was flowing so well.

Matsumoto-san plays tennis and i bet he’s super good because he has the will and competitive spirit!

16 year old daughter Kei-chan did great too. this girl was so smooth and surfed with perfection. so stoked to see her smiling on her first wave!

nice wave, nicer smile…

great balance for this great tennis player. now he’s a real surfer too!

gosh, i love this photo! the ocean, the wave, and the girl. all so beautiful!

thank you Matsumoto-san and Kei-chan for the amazing morning. i’ll see you guys soon for more amazing surf!

then took the energetic Nao-san surfing right after lunch. while i was digesting my pho, Nao-san was feasting on the waves. cool drone shot!

was so nice to come home and see Mateus at my house for a sleepover. yeah! so i give him some of my turtle bread.

after one bite, he says “Unko Kurby, this is so good!” haha. this kid makes me so happy! love you Mateus!
