Believe: My Third GoPro Story


i get a weird text?? “hey Kirby, look what i found.” omg! somebody found my gopro i lost at Bowls last winter!!!

it was Ian who surfs at bowls everyday. he said he found it on the rocks. i’m guessing the hurricane pushed it up on the rocks after being in the ocean so long. the case was all corroded, but the camera inside was as good as new. so i upload the memory card…

and find the data i thought i lost forever. Nakahodo-san and his brother Taishi-san at Ala Moana Bowls.

Nakahodo-san surfing at that time. but now he’s surfing and foiling! seems so long ago…

i really like this photo of Taishi-san. the is called commitment!

had a few photos of Mai-chan too! cool!

right after this happy ride, i dropped my gopro.

then it sank straight to the bottom and was there for who knows how long. i really thought it was lost forever…

want to thank Ian for being so honest and returning my gopro. i still can’t believe it turned on and worked fine. amazing lucky man i am! this gopro was lost in the parking lot, and retuned by Dave. then it was stolen from my truck and returned by the police. then now lost at Bowls and returned by Ian. somehow this gropro and i are connected in a way. a good way!!!
