Tokyo Boys Rugby Club


had a blast with the boys today! the coolest Father and sons team.

first wave was ridden by 13 year old Konosuke-kun. he got hurt playing rugby so his shoulder was still bothering him. but once he got up, i think he forgot about his shoulder. haha.

this is a perfect example of perfect surfing! good boy! look Papa and brother in the background watching this amazing ride.

then it was 15 year old Shunnosuke-kun’s turn. a very athletic kid with lots of energy.

i wouldn’t want this kid tackling me for the football. no way…

Papa Ryu-san was the happiest man in the ocean today. he was smiling the whole time watching his son’s surfing so well. he was the example for the boys on how to surf. i’m sure he taught his boys well on how to play rugby too.

a very strong man so you better run if you catch the football. haha.

as a photographer, i try so hard to get the golden moment. Father and son sharing a special moment.

but to get all three of them on the same wave, and get the photo is a dream come true. when i came home and downloaded this photo, i was yelling “yeah!!!” Ryu-san told me he was so happy today. this is a family moment that will last a lifetime…

when i see families with such a great bond, i really envy that. it’s something that takes respect, patience, and understanding. if all families were like this, this world would be a better place…

then picked up the rest of the family for lunch!

the kids loved the hulihuli chicken, especially Sou-kun! so cute!!!

then washed down the chicken with Waiola Shave Ice.

the end to a perfect half day! thank you guys for making me a very happy guy. see you guys tomorrow for Boot Camp Day 2!
