Enjoy the Little Things…


want to thank Uncle Lance for the homemade laulau’s. it was the most healthiest and juiciest ones i’ve ever eaten!

what do people eat during a hurricane in Hawaii? i don’t know because almost every story is closed. as for me, i ate the best homemade temaki sushi.

panic in Hawaii. i see this all the time. the Mayor telling everyone to stock up food and water for 2 weeks??? are you kidding me? we don’t even have that much supply on the island for everyone to stock up for 2 weeks??? i couldn’t find a bottle of water anywhere!!!

almost every store was closed today, including in Waikiki. how are tourists supposed to exchange money???

and the couple of stores that were open, the lines were the longest ever. i actually felt sorry for the tourists.

went to watch the waves and for some reason, it was way smaller than yesterday. i took a break today because my body still hurts from getting crushed from yesterdays monster waves.

saw this sign at a little shop in Molokai. “enjoy the little things.” yes i do…

so sitting on the beach at sunset time, watching the waves, drinking a cold beer, and looking out to the horizon enjoying the little things in life. that’s Molokai style…

anyway, the hurricane is gone. luckily Hawaii escaped devastation. so better be thankful and enjoy the little things…
