A Perfect Compass Zone


when the nuclear plant exploded, the government marked off a 20 km radius surrounding the plant as an evacuation zone. and a 30 km radius as a voluntary evacuation zone. going through and meeting people in these “so called” evacuation areas made me think about something. “who the heck decided this? and with what kind of facts did they come across?” how could a perfect line decide where’s safe and where’s not? yes, some places in the area had high levels of radiation, but at the same time, some places didn’t. anyway, i just read an article of a man who is living in the 20 km radius and is refusing to leave. here’s his comment. a comment which i have to totally agree with.
“We have invested millions in developing a system to measure radiation,” he said. “But it is like the whole thing is being decided by someone behind a desk with a 500 yen ($5) compass.”

we’ve been right to the 20 km line about 4 times. our counter was reading low levels in minami soma, but as soon as we left the 30 km area, it started beeping and the readings went way up. i feel sorry for some of the people that got kicked out of their homes which are totally safe to live in. and i also feel sorry for the people that live outside the evacuation zone that are breathing in radiation for the past 6 months.
experts are saying it will take decades, or even centuries before some places will be safe again. that’s got to be really frustrating!!!!!
the next time somebody wants to build a nuclear plant, i’m going front row to protest it!
