selamat pagi… good morning from indo. gosh, the waves have been firing these past few days. wanted to go diving but the water is too dirty. shucks, so i had to surf… been going to the secret spots where nobody’s around. and nobody’s around. i guess there are still some hidden secrets in bali. oh, i stopped by andre spearguns yesterday. sat down with andre and exchanged diving stories and photos. then i looked off to the side and seen a gun i haven’t seen before. he made a new design that looks like a riffe euro, but much better. so because i was a good boy, and because it was my birthday the other day, i bought myself a present. yeah, a new gun that andre’s making me today. when you see it, your going to freak… can’t wait….
going to the supermarkets in bali is fun. the things they copy crack me up. check out this bag of doritos, i mean happytoes…. and yesterday i seen billabong, i mean balibong surf trunks.. haha. oh, and want to buy $200 oakley sunglasses for $2? you can get it right here in bali….