Lamb, Surfer Girls, and Safari!


waves on the North shore came up. 6-10′ and super good Pipeline. waves on the South shore came up too. nice overhead sets at Diamond Head. foiled in paradise!!!

had an amazing dinner last night!!! fresh bread with lots of butter!

the chef cooked the lamb chops to perfection.

and the avocado toast was perfect too!

then some fireworks for dessert! an amazing night out…

good to see more surfer girls in the water recently. the more girls, the less violence… haha.

Nao-san can call herself a surfer girl now. she can set up her board, wax it up, paddle out alone, and catch waves on her own. so proud of this girl!

as i’m planning my new trip, i’m trying to figure out what i want to do when i’m there. riding on this local boat exploring islands is one of them…

and going to the only Safari park in the Philippines is another. wonder if can take my speargun? haha.

looking so forward to January 2019!
