Golden Winter Breezes…


 when the North winds blow, the air is the cleanest.  you can see for miles and miles away.  fresh, cool, and so beautiful!   and the flowers are fresh and beautiful too… we saw this girl riding the electric foil board in the Ala Wai.  not a bad hobby for $12,000.   thank goodness for iPhones.  instead of disconnecting my electronics and forgetting which wire goes where, i just take a photo and i’ll never second guess.    i spent about 7 total hours so far on my little project.  it’s pretty tricky because my house is old so everything isn’t straight.  and when you buy wood in Hawaii, it’s never straight too.  so like everything else in life, finding the right balance is the key.  so far, so good… went for a foil session at Diamond Head today.  it was freaking challenging!  fell on my foil and almost hit my head.  abunai…thank you Satoshi for the snacks.  nice to see you boys the other day!
