If Eyes Could Kill, I’d be Dead…


 more from our deep blue adventure the other day.  if i were a shark, this would be my dinner… Seth use to tease me when they first saw me with a full suit and hood when i took them diving for the first time.  that day, a jellyfish wrapped around Seth’s snorkel and stung his whole face.  ever since then, Seth dives with a full suit and hood too.  haha…  look at this beautiful box jelly fish! when ever i pass by Ala Moana and see the where the 3 pedestrians were killed, it makes me think.  it could have been any one of us.   welcome to marijuana California!  it’s legal to smoke there but i still don’t think it’s right.  i’d hate to see the day it’s legalized in Hawaii, but i can feel it coming soon… heard about the American college student that went to Japan, drank too much, and broke a lamp in this bar in Shibuya?  then he got stupid with the police after and went to jail.  that was 9 months ago and he’s still in there.  i tell all the Hawaiian kids that go to Japan “hey, Hawaii is Hawaii, Japan is Japan.  don’t do anything stupid there because the laws are different.  it’s very strict and you have no rights.”  i wish i could have given this American kid some advise too.  i was sparing with Satoko in Bali a few years ago.  she punched me in the face pretty hard so i put down my gloves and took out my camera.  then she punched me again after i took this photo.  haha…
