New is Exciting and Respect Culture…


 pretty happy and exciting to try new things.   and when you drop $1,500 on something, it better work!  haha… i’m not sure yet if it was worth the investment.  give me a few more days and i’ll know.   but for now, i’m going faster than ever so if i have to pay money for speed, i’m 100% in!   ok everybody, this is my dream bathroom.  i would love to use it, but i wouldn’t love to clean it.  haha… good to see Japanese heavy locals here in Hawaii.  i still can’t tell you where this legend surfer is from, but i can tell you that it’s my favorite barrel in the whole world.  i’m a very lucky guy to be able to surf there, and i want to keep it that way so please don’t ask me.  i respect all the local there and i respect their rules.  thank you guys always for sharing your sacred wave with my for the past 27 years.  i owe all you guys lots of barrels.  so when you come to Hawaii, you can have any wave i paddle for… Nao-san still getting me jealous by sending me photos like this… and very sacred cultural spots in Japan.  so amazing…speaking of culture.  some European pro snowboarders came to Hawaii and tried to snowboard Mauna Kea.  it didn’t snow so they decided to snowboard it anyway.  really?  so they carved up and down the sacred mountain and posted it on social media.  Mauna Kea is a very sacred place for Hawaiians.  people here are pissed off and i don’t blame them.  Hawaiians killed Captain Cook and ate him.  so i have advise for the Europeans that posted that on social media,  “i wouldn’t come back here if i were you.”    there is no excuse for disrespecting anyones culture like this…
