Osaka Boys Talk: Part 1


 had the most amazing day with the boys from Osaka.  it was Ishimoto-san’s first surf and it happened to be right here in Hawaii.  i couldn’t believe how much energy he had!   and it was also Kengo-san’s first time surfing too!  super stoked rides and super stoked smiles.  they kept on riding waves after wave all by themselves.  amazing!   in the meantime, Morimoto-san and Tomo-san were outside waiting for the sets.   and when the sets came, it was freaking beautiful!  Morimoto-san having this nice right all to himself.    and passing by me in style… Tomo-san surfing so good too.  backside attack on this beautiful left. and many more after!   another perfect glassy right for Morimoto-san.  super smooth and nice style. i just love to watch surfers passing by me with the biggest smile… i couldn’t believe how perfect the waves were this morning.  it was almost too perfect!   as for energy level, Ishimoto-san and the most.   he couldn’t stop catching wave after wave after wave.  where does he get all that energy from???  i want some of that!  thank you boys for the wonderful full day of surf, sun, sightseeing, laughs, and lots of boys talk.  i had a blast…

after i dropped off the boys to their hotel for their afternoon nap, i went to pick up 2 more energetic Osaka surfers.  it was strict Boot Camp in the hardest conditions you could imagine.  it’s days like this that make the strong even stronger.  many more photos coming soon.  but for now, i’m going to sleep…
