Boot Camp Day 4


 since i have a new toy, i got up extra early to test it out.  paddled out to Bowls before sunrise and on the way out was greeted by Jeannie Chesser telling me “Foil Fuckers!”  haha…  i love Jeannie…i foiled for an hour and am finally figuring out how to adapt to this new kind of speed.  this bird is flying faster than ever!   came in at 8:30am to meet Ueda-san and Mayumi-san for Boot Camp Day 4.  today we were working on being relaxed and enjoying the ride.   just like this… and after yesterday’s challenging conditions, today was very easy.   in fact, it was almost too easy.  so next challenge was to take off on bigger waves.  look at Ueda-san go!  i don’t think Mayumi-san knew how big of waves she was catching.  when she took off, you couldn’t see her from behind.  so that means overhead for her!   it’s amazing how being more stronger and confident can make you happier and relaxed.  get ready for more challenging days ahead as the hurricane strength winds will pick up and 40′ swells wraps around from the North to the South.   yeah! and thank you Ueda-san and Mayumi-san for the sweets!   ate some today between surf sessions…and i still wasn’t done for the day.  foiled this evening for 3 hours at Diamond Head with all the foil boys.  good to see Tony Moniz back in the lineup running over anyone in his path.  haha…

i put in 3 rounds for 7 hours of water time today.  tomorrow will be more of the same thing.  stay tuned for many more photos coming.  but for now, goodnight…
