Osaka All Day and Navy Seals…


 after our long surf session, we went to refuel with hulihuli chicken!  the boys were hungry!  then we started out or sightseeing tour.  started off at the famous Japanese Hitachi tree.  now it costs $3/each to go see it?  OMG!   times that by hundreds of people per day, that’s huge money!   that’s a pretty good business if you can make money just looking at a tree.   then went to Waikele to shop but there was nothing interesting.  so we pretty much drove all the way out there to use the toilet.  haha.  then some Taiwan milk tea on the way back. stopped by Diamond Head to look at the whales.  i seen 4 whales jumping all day yesterday, but absolutely nothing today.  that’s nature, that’s life…  but good to bump into many of my friends at the Cliff.   Edmond with the binoculars looking for foilers.  Ryo and Naoka just coming in from a surf, and the Osaka Boys enjoying the million dollar view.  imagine us 5 guys hanging out all day.  surfing, eating, sightseeing, talking story, and telling jokes.  it was hilarious!   thank you Morimoto-san, Ishimoto-san, Tomo-san, and Kengo-san for the amazing full day of laughs… after that, my day was still going strong.  went to surf with 2 other happy Osaka surfers.   it was onshore, windy, and super choppy.  really hard to surf, but with some determination, anything is possible.  look at Ueda-san go!  my board flew in the air and hit Mayumi-san in the knee.  she was in pain and wanted to go in.  i said “shake it off, bend it back and forth, and don’t think about it.  it’s all mental!”   i know that because i can just look in a persons eyes and tell the difference from pain and fear.   and i knew it was fear so i told her to calm down and relax.   five minutes later, she said “i’m ok now!”  haha.  all the pain was gone and she surfed even better than before… i’m not just teaching surfing to everyone, i’m teaching the mental aspect of being in a place you’ve never been before.  that’s why i go out in crazy days like this.   yes it’s very scary, but it’s days like this that will make you strong.  and by the end of our session, this couple was stronger than ever.   go Mayumi-san!  no pain, no gain!  thanks guys.  i hope you’re enjoying my Boot Camp because it’s still not over.  by the time you guys go back to Japan next week, you’ll both be Navy Seals.  haha…
