Textbook Surfing Style


 Seira-chan can paddle out to pretty much any spot and figure it out.  i can see her connecting to the ocean more and more each day and i love to see that!   and her surfing is 10x better than a week ago.  now she’s not falling, she’s catching more waves, and she’s surfing with lots of confidence.   when ever a wave use to come, she use to look at me to see if i say go or not.  now she can figure out which wave is good on her own.  being focused and relaxed will get you there… Seira-chan’s surfing style is getting much more better too.  good stance and good form.   i saw her catch a wave from the outside, do 2 off the top turns, a couple cutbacks, ride it all the way to the inside, and pull out with confidence.  that would be a huge score in a surf competition… Carter was out foiling and told me “wow, her surfing style got super smooth.”   Carter knows because he’s seen her surfing almost everyday.  then the next wave, Seira-chan wipes out right in front of me!  haha… she’s there somewhere under the wave…when ever she falls, i tell her “get back up, forget about it, clear your mind, keep calm, and try again!”  then this next wave is perfect surfing again.  so proud of you girl!
