it’s been a while since i spent a night out in Waikiki.  walking around at night seeing so many tourists having a great time.  our economy is still on a super bubble!!!

just like the college days when we use to warm up with a few beers in the car before a concert.  sitting in the parking lot, listening to the music of the artist we will be seeing shortly after.  it makes my blood heat up…

head to Blue Note Waikiki to see Pato Bantan!!!  omg, this guy was my absolute favorite reggae master of the 1980’s.  his music and lyrics so positive and so uplifting.   the last time i seen Pato was back in 1987!!!

this time, we were front row and got up and personal with him.  he was letting the crowd get into his music.  look at Maki-san go!  Go-Pato!!!!

i was sitting right next to the stage actually resting my left arm on it, and my beer in my right.  i haven’t had a great time like that at a concert in years.  Pato gave me energy, positive vibes, and lots of happiness…

Naoka didn’t even know who Pato Bantan was until now.  and i’m sure he will never forget him…  i’ll get into the story later of how Pato has been in Carter and my life since the 80’s…

but first, had to wake up bright and early for an amazing surf at Diamond Head.  perfect again!

Mai-chan giving me the positive vibrations just like Pato!

and took her to my favorite bubble tea spot.  the best in Hawaii!

and my favorite chicken rice lunch place too.  another amazing day and it’s not even over.  going to pick up Seira-chan right now for an evening to sunset session.  be back later…
