Visit, Spend, Go Home!


 want to thank the Tanaka-san family for the sake and senbei!  a perfect match!   Seira-chan living the happy and healthy Hawaiian surfer lifestyle… been foiling into the sunset often… and having a glass of whisky right before bedtime… saw the new fleet of helicopters that just arrived on Oahu.  helicopter rides terrify me!   ever since we started surfing together, Rikita-san seen pretty much everything.  so walking on a secluded beach and seeing a Hawaiian Monk Seal isn’t too surprising for him. i see Monk Seals all the time and i’m still fascinated.   if you don’t experience your dream, you won’t achieve your dream.  so quite often, i go to experience my dream.   once you feel it, you can believe it… and i bring my friends along with me because they’re all in it anyway…and i still feel it is my obligation to educate each and every person i take to Molokai.  it’s one of the few places where local residents have a say in what goes on there.  so the guy who posted this sign on the side has the same opinion as many others living there.  Visit, Spend, Go Home!   and most of the people living there aren’t joking about this.  unlike Oahu, this island doesn’t depend on tourism.  they depend on self-sustainability and lots of aloha.  and they all want to keep it that way!
