Local Lifestyle Experience


 ok, for those of you who think Diamond Head is this good all the time, i have bad news.  it isn’t!  we’ve just been lucky this month to have so many perfect days.  in a normal year, i estimate only 25 of 365 days of glassy conditions.  the rest is bumpy and windy…  so yeah, it’s been a very lucky month for us.   i’m sure Rikita-san is surfed out already.  and being that it was his last day, we decided to enjoy some boat cruising at sunset time.  and watching all the colorful rainbows.  all evening long…  then pulled up to Waikiki to enjoy the sunset.   then it was time to open the gift package Cousin Dino from Molokai gave us.  if i could choose between gold or opihi, i’d chose opihi!  it’s been super convenient to have a BBQ grill waiting for you when you get in.  so why not throw on some evening pupu’s?  just like this.  thank you Rikita-san for the amazing days of just hanging out local style.  this is the lifestyle i hope everybody can experience in Hawaii…
