Snow Hawaii


 so jealous!!!  i kind of need a vacation in the mountains so when someone sends me photos from the mountain, i’m so jealous… glad you girls are having a wonderful time in Niseko.  save some snow for me!   no snow in Hawaii, but there is some warm water with some fun in the sun.  Tomami-san loving all of it… Ueda-san has so much energy.  always going back out for more and more.  i don’t know how he does it?  Michiko-san is super stable and never falls.  great balance!   Ueda-san and Michiko-san sharing a long ride… super calm, and super cool… and super excited!  haha…thank you Ueda-san, Michiko-san, and Tomami-san for the wonderful Sunday afternoon.  and thank you to that idiot in the back of us that just photobombed our beautiful happy photo.  haha…
