A Sunday in Paradise…


so happy to surf for the first time with Miura-san this morning.  it’s his very first time in Hawaii, and his very first wave in Hawaii.  so stoked to capture the moment!

and also stoked to capture the stoke right after his first Hawaiian ride…

Miura-san surfs at Isounora which happens to be the most crowded surf spot in the world.  so being out in the open without hundreds of people around him must have felt so good.

paddling out after each wave with the biggest smile.  both of us…

so calm, so cool, and so happy!

before we paddled out, i gave Miura-san a little lesson on surfing.  he’s a teacher in Japan so he knows well how he wants his students to follow directions.  so being the student in this situation, Miura-san followed directions very well and his surfing life will never be the same.   he caught the best waves in his 20 years surfing career this morning!  so stoked for him!!!

then first time eating pho too.  good surf, good food, and good life.  thank you Sensei!

i felt the winds switching so i went to pick up Asayama-san and went to check out Diamond Head in the afternoon.   absolutely perfect conditions!

i had my foil so like always, nobody wanted to surf near us.  haha.  we had our spot all to ourselves…

then went for a Sunday evening cruise.  another perfect day in paradise…
