Saturday November2日 2024年

Electric Race Car…

good evening. i still can’t get over how good the waves were at torami yesterday. a few months ago, the government put new tetrapods if front of this jetty. i bet it pissed off a lot of surfers. but guess what it did? it made the sandbar better. the right that breaks right off the jetty is 100 meters long. there were some happy surfers out there yesterday. surfers like misao tako, takao kuga, tomohisa yoshikawa, shota nakamura, hayato maki, naoka, yoko furuichi, yuko shimagiri, and many others…. if you weren’t there, you missed out. wait till you see the photos i took…..

after we ate lunch, we were all full so we looked for something fun to do. parked our gas cars at aloha’s store in chiba and took this speed racer electric car for test drives. i got it up to 55 kilos and was feeling like a little kid. yoko took it out and disappeared for 20 minutes. imagine driving on the road and seeing this little red speed car that makes no noise with a surfer girl driving it? cool…


rush hour. freakin crazy!

going home
