The Windjammer

Early morning Bowls was pretty calm.  The new swell isn’t here yet but it’s coming very soon.

Our private photographer Allen was out again and sent me this sequence.

Riding a 6’4 twin fin that is super fast and easy to turn.

If you caught the right wave, you could do a few turns and be really happy.  Right board for the right day.

Half way through our session, we paddled down to another spot.  There were only 5 other surfers out but they were all locals.  Sorry, no photos here but the girls surfed this wave very well.  I was so proud of them because just a year ago, they feared this spot.

I was at the Honolulu Harbor the other day.  I saw this dinner cruise boat and had a flashback.  OMG, there was a boat named the “Windjammer” back in the 1980’s.  My friend asked me if I wanted a midnight job so when the cruise came in, the tourists got off and I got to work.  My job was to vacuum and shampoo the carpets all night until the morning hours.  I remember it being really dirty and stinky.  And I also remember taking long breaks fishing right off that pier.  So yes, I use to get paid $5/hour and got to take home fresh fish I caught.  Not a bad job for a teenager.  Haha.

July 31, 2024 Hawaii Surf Report

The early July swell.  Nakahodo-san on a BOMB!

Good morning 3:40am.
Ala Mohan waist high and good.
Diamond Head chest high and bumpy.
Trade winds at 20mph.
Sunny and warm.
Going to the sea.
Have a wonderful day!

Seal and Jelly

15 box jellyfish on the beach means there are hundreds in the ocean.  Maybe that’s why nobody was out today?  These girls are fearless as they walked over the jellyfish on the beach and paddled out early this morning.

I was watching from the rocks and noticed something.

This monk seal was either hunting for food, or for a lover.  

I forgot my camera yesterday so had to make up for it today.  I rode behind as I kept silent so she can focus on the wave, and I can focus on the photo.  

Super nice both turn that sprayed me in the face.

The waves were really good this morning.  The best conditions in weeks.  The ocean was so smooth that it felt like Indonesia.  

Lucky surfer girl that has 2 personal photographers following her every move.  

Allen must not be scared of box jellyfish huh?  

Round 2 was Diamond Head and the waves were super good!  A south swell is heading our way so everybody is on standby.  Can’t wait!