Lychee Fever…

good evening. i checked queen’s this morning and was surprised to see a small south swell. headed straight to bowls and it was fun. shoulder high and really consistent with none of the boys out. sunny, clean, and fun…

i love going to china town. the first think i look at is the fish. the funny thing is the fish doesn’t look too fresh for some reason. if that’s fresh fish, the fish we catch are fresh fresh fish? i guess you can’t get it any fresher than that….

today was the first time i saw this fruit. it’s small and taste exactly like lychee… so sweet…. hikaru-san called it “chibi lychee”. that’s exactly what it looked like, and tasted like…

we stopped by yogurt land and guess what the flavor of the month was? yup, Lychee…. i got a bowl with kiwi fruit and mochi for toppings… so good….

and kalua is looking tastier than ever today. this pig is freaking huge!!! can’t believe it…

hikaru-san couldn’t believe kalua was only a little over 2 years old. neither do i…. yes, this is kalua 2 years ago…. who the heck’s been feeding him????
**last, check out kairi and reika’s youtube video. pretty killer footage. great job kids….

South Swell…

Bowls 2′ and Fun….. South Swell Saiko….


good morning. 6:15am thursday morning. pipeline is the spot today. 3-5′ and barreling. got a little morning sickness to it but it should clean up as the day goes on. 5 bodyboard girls on it as of now but expect like 30 of them in another hour or so. contest coming up march 31st to april 15th so get the surf before you can’t. town is small but looking fun as usual. i’m going surfing… have a nice day….

i finally got to meet jared katakura last night. we had dinner at champa thai and it was kind of cool how we have so many things in common. not only that we love to surf, dive, travel, and hunt, we both went to kaiser high school. what a small world. i can go on and on about jared but the thing that impresses me the most is his motivation. being deaf isn’t holding jared back at all. he’s already inspired and touched another person in this world. me…. thanks for the great talk jared… keep in touch….

and remember i was telling you how clean the water was at our little secret sandbar yesterday? check it out. it don’t get cleaner than this….

and last, there is the HAWAII OCEAN EXPO 2009 going on this weekend at the blaisdell hall. don’t miss it, i sure won’t….