Tuesday October22日 2024年

Hawaii Cold Water Diving…

good morning. 6:45am and guess where the best waves on the island are right now? yup, in town. seen a chest high set roll in at bowls now with perfect conditions. north winds making town and diamond head looking pretty good. north shore? forget it. small and onshore. i hope the sun comes out because once it does, i’m going to jump in bowls for a mid-morning session…. have a nice day!!!
**yesterday was so dam cold. the wind was chilly and the water was freezing. i dive with a 2mm full suit and am still freezing my ass off. i’m going to order a 3mm rubber suit for next year for sure…

i got the most stealth looking dove wetsuit. when i’m lying on the bottom 50′ under water, you won’t be able to find me. not even the fish can. here i was yesterday 3 pronging kole’s…

these fish couldn’t see me so when they crossed my path…… BANG!!! DINNER!!!

hayato’s diving is getting really good. before he was dive bombing fish. now he lays on the bottom and just waits. that’s how you do it. i know that someday soon he’s going to spear a big fish and i hope i’m there to see it. i’m going to let the fish pull him around for 30 minutes before i help him. that’s what everybody did to me… haha…

turtles, sharks, eels, monk seals, dolphins, and even whales. you never know what your going to see free diving….

roy, kumu, and kole’s… all good. all good for a barbecue that’s happening tonight on the north shore… sunset? beers? 5 star chef? friends? happiness? go-naminori… see ya there…

Navy Ship Kills Hawaii Reef….

good chilly friday evening. wow, after 2 hours of sleep last night, hayato and i went for an early morning dive. we were in the water at first light. the water was clean and a good day to dive but after throwing up in my snorkel, it was time to head in. that was at 10am. we caught fish which was good, but at the same time, i saw something that freaked me out….

remember this huge navy ship that was stuck on the reef for 4 days???? well, initially the navy said that it got stuck on a sandy bottom so there was minimal reef damage. BULLSHIT!!! BULLSHIT!!! i have a GPS and one of my favorite dive spots happens to be where the ship got stuck. i found the mark, jumped in, and what i seen was horrifying… the precious reef that held a lot of big fish, WAS FREAKING GONE… COMPLETELY WIPED OUT FLAT. what was left was big chunks of reef spread out like a freakin battlefield or something. it looked like a 100000 ton rolling pin rolled over the reef and took out everything in it’s path. and no fish was anywhere to be seen. i was bummed, and freakin pissed off. yeah, the navy screwed up and got one of their ships stuck, but to come out after and say that it was a sandy bottom? that’s bullshit!! i dive out there a lot and know all the reef out there like my backyard. and to see one huge area completely wiped out was sad. and now they want to glue the reef back? oh my gosh… it’s going to take thousands of years to bring back the life that was taken away. for divers like myself, i compare this to somebody blowing up the reef at ala moana bowls for surfers or something. that bad….

this is how big the navy ship was. my favorite reef and fish are gone and i will never ever see it come back in my lifetime… somebody’s got to pay for this….

our day started out fine… leaving the harbor watching another amazing sunrise… but after what i seen today, i’m still traumatized…

Dawn Patrol…