Timor Dream Barrels…

good morning. tiny waves around the island. today is a relax day and relax is what i’m going to do. hope you have a relax day too… by the way, it’s super bowl sunday. the biggest sports day of the year for americans. so if your smart, go surf about 2-4pm and you’ll have the ocean to yourself. everybody else will be glued to the tv….

matchi’s been coming to hawaii for over 15 north shore seasons now. surfed every spot on this island. got bigger barrels than most surfers get in their lives, and also had a near death experience. machi’s been there, and done that. experience is the key to surviving season after season in hawaii and experience is what matchi has…

i’ve never seen more of an old original mustang than jeannie chessers. i asked her if she wanted to sell it to me and the look she gave me was terrifying… i’m glad she didn’t slap my face for asking that stupid question…..

renee vento was on our timor trip last september. she pulled up to the secret spot to surf and after seeing how big it was, she turned back to the boat grab her camera. i’m glad she did because she took some pretty awesome photos. this is me taking off. after this, i was in the barrel for a while thinking to myself how lucky i am. it was kyle, al, and myself that morning exchanging dream barrels. i’ll never forget that session….

Japanese North Shore Surf Season ON!!!

good evening. gosh, it was another beautiful day out here on the north shore. sunny, offshore, and perfect head high waves. surfed rocky point rights and it was pretty fun. get in, ride a couple, come in, and take a nap. what a perfect day!!! have a safe and happy evening..

just got a new gallery from nakajima-san from yesterday’s ehukai surf session. team RLM and other japanese pro surfers were all out there ripping it up.. this shot is crazy.. muramatsu-san’s going to be stoked….

13 year old shoki was out there ripping it up with the boys. this kid’s going to be good….

on the beach boss and tssc pro surfer satoshi kubota riding his new matchi 6’0 round pin. power turn..

and last, kenji sahara checking his equipment before jumping in with his fisheye. the waves are firing, the japanese are here, japanese north shore season is on!!! i’m freakin excited….

Amazing Free Diving Footage…

tonight at 7:30pm is your last chance to see crazy ass amazing
footage. don’t miss it on channel 16…
kyo no 7:30pm wa last chance. sugoi diving no movie desu… channel