Wednesday October23日 2024年

Skin Diver Bait Ball….

good evening. finally cleared most of the boards under my house out. and come to find out, there is a little kitten living under there. it’s black with white stripes and runs away when i try to call it. it’s so tiny and i’m wondering where the mother is? what should i name it? anyway, big swell coming tomorrow but peaking at night so probably no eddie aikau contest. somewhere will be good but we’ll just have to find out tomorrow. have a great evening….

matchi and satoshi came to hawaii today. loaded up the boards, and headed north. DOVE HOUSE STARTS TODAY!! see you there…

oh my gosh!!! i just watched the new skin diver yesterday and it blew my mind. the guys were diving off the west side of oahu in the middle of a rare bait ball. thousands of fish swirling around in a big black ball trying to keep from getting eaten by sharks, tunas, uluas, and almost every big fish out there. the were spearing huge fish!! shit, i wish i was there!!! i told kyle that he should send his stuff to national geographic tv. i’m sure they would be interested and events like that make the national news. i’m going to jump in my boat tomorrow and look for a bait ball. want to know the chances of finding one? 1 in a million…. anyway, 8pm tonight on channel 16 is a rerun. watch it and it will blow your mind too…. it’s nature at it’s best….

and last, think you had a hard job? this lady has to walk 10 miles everyday in the middle of a war carrying her 18 month baby just to sell wood. so go back to work and appreciate your job. in fact, you should tell your boss thank you… thanks boss…

One Punch…

And your face will never be the same….

Philippines Part 1 in Cloud 9….

good tuesday morning. the waves on the north shore came down and it’s looking pretty clean right now. pipe’s 3′ and super clean. 18 guys out and i bet spots like rocky’s and vland are pretty dam good. swells looking kind of north so even lani’s is probably good. town is finally flat!!! i think yesterday was the last day for waves. big swell tomorrow. gotta get out of here. have a nice day…

went to eat the best filipino food in town last night. the place is so underground that i can’t say where it is. you might actually get hurt trying to find it. yeah, it’s the most dangerous neighborhood on the island….

but i’ll take the chance anytime for the food. it’s that good. secrets of hawaii..
**for those of you who sent comments of the philipppines video i posted the other day, here is part 1. another one of my videos that youtube pulled off because of copyright violations. sorry you tube….