Bosai Restaurant in Hawaii

good evening. today was the first time in a long time that i could really surf. i mean surf a good wave without wearing a hat or sunglasses. i actually felt kind of naked… the waves at laniakea were pretty fun. i got so many fun waves. felt pretty dam good..

you know when lani’s is crowded when you can’t find parking. and when there are so many surfers crossing the streets…

i went to stop by the contest to watch some heats. sunny garcia, joel centaio, and some of the other hawaiian boys were ripping… the waves were 3′ and breaking rights and lefts. want to congratulate carissa moore for winning the womens division. go hawaii!!

last night i went to a new japanese restaurant with some friends. it’s called Bonsai and is located in the restaurant row. kind of japanese/local sushi and stuff. the hamachi sushi was pretty good….

the bar was pretty happening. live music, good food, and good vibe. i’ll probably go back there again soon…

and last, while i was in tahiti, my friend derek fixed my surfboards. derek is a perfectionist in everything he does so i knew he was going to do a good job. i had a big ding on my whole rail from somebody’s face hitting it but derek fixed it perfect. just like nothing happened…. so if you want the best ding repair on the island, send me an email and i’ll get your board fixed for a reasonable price. thanks derek….
** i was just watching the depressing news and the stock market crashed again today. put your seatbelts on because this isn’t the end of our world recession. spend wisely and put some of that paycheck in the bank. also, rain, rain, and rain on the way so don’t wash your car. have a great evening….

Laniakea Going Off!!!

laniakea wa sugoi ii nami desu. 3-5′ and tottemo good desu…..
tanoshikatta… i had a great session today at lani’s. clean and

Kona Winds: Todd Murashige's Ride to Recovery

good morning. waves looking good up on the north shore. i’m there. have a nice day….

hey guys, got big news. remember todd murashige? the amateur champion surfer who got attacked by a shark while surfing at crouching lion a few months ago? well, there’s a big recovery party that’s happening dec. 3rd at the willow’s restaurant. everybody, please go and show your support for a good surfer and family man. his story is pretty amazing how he turned something so bad into something so good. i was reading a recent article they did on todd and just his positive thinking touched me. gosh, getting attacked by a shark could happen to any surfer/diver at any given time. it could have and could be any one of us. so get out there and support a fellow surfer that’s on his road to recovery. i’m there and hope to see you all there too….

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
at the Willows Restaurant
from 5 – 9:30 p.m.
cost will be $45
Heavy Pupus, Entertainment, Silent Auction, Raffle Drawings

**good music, good food, good silent auction, good prizes, and probably an awesome vibe….
**tickets available at hope chapel kaneohe, willows, or inquire at KONAWINDS@MAIL.COM.