Tuesday October29日 2024年


good evening. another picture perfect day in hawaii. was down in waikiki this morning and seen a lot of japanese on the beach. it’s good to japanese back here in hawaii because it seemed that nobody was here this past summer. the government says tourism is down but if you drive through waikiki, you won’t think that. why would you want to be any where else in this world??

then it was off to the north shore. sunny skies, off shore winds, and perfect waves….

this was the crowd yesterday morning at v-land. i heard today was more crowded. i guess everybody figured out that v-land was the best spot on the island…

and wanted to thank nobu-san for the mail. he’s one of the lucky 2 that asked for my license plate. i’m glad you added it to your collection. mahalo…

they are currently filming “Lost” in hawaii. i stopped by the set today to put a go-naminori sticker on the suitcase. haha….

and last, did you check out the new “HEAVYWATER” mag? HIC ran an ad of kelia. photos look familiar? yeah, uncle kirby took them. look at kelia’s face. what a clown….

More VelzyLand Surfing Photos….

good morning. 6:15am aloha friday. waves still looking solid on the north shore. pipe/backdoor looking 3-5′ and pretty dam good. it’s smaller than yesterday but looking fun. there’s a little south swell in town. waist/chest high sets at some spots. trade winds back so off shore all day. it’s going to be another awesome day of surfing here in hawaii. i’m out of here!! have a nice day…
**check out more photos from yesterday…

late take off….

double overhead? seth moniz…

perfect v-land? i think so…

BBB… big body boarder…

and last, wanted to thank everybody for watching hawaii skin diver tv. sorry i was so dam nervous. and sorry i was talking so dam fast.. haha.. for my whole life, my friends told me that i talk too fast. i finally realized they were right. the show will be on the whole month of november so check it out if you missed it. here’s the schedule on oceanic channel 16. this is hawaii time so if your in japan, add 19 hours. mahalo…

North Shore Surf at its Best…

good evening. oh my gosh!!! what an awesome day on the north shore. i left at dark and i was actually a little nervous pulling up to backdoor. seen a couple barrels but a little too much backwash. so i headed up to v-land and that was the best spot today. 3-5′ and as good as it gets. i surfed before the sun came up and then went in to grab my camera to capture the action. check it out..

this is pete johnson, jack johnson’s older brother. i guess you can say that the johnson’s can surf….

this is my best shot today. all you young kids out there, this is james jones. big wave rider, tube rider, north shore legend. when i seen him pull into this tube with the classic 70’s style, i had chicken skin…. old school surfing never dies….

i haven’t surfed with seth for a long time. while i was traveling around the world, seth was taking his surfing to another level. gosh, i can’t wait to see how far he will go in his surfing career…

michael ho. another legend doing what he was doing 40 years ago…. this shot is sick!! dragging his hand to stall in the tube? sick!!!

kelia got much better in surfing too. she went outside of me when i was taking this photo. then the wave hit me in the head and there went my vonzipper glasses. shit!!! i’m still kind of bummed out….

and last, thanks to the movie blue crush. there are now many many girls surfing these days. but nobody’s complaining…