Saturday September21日 2024年

HBD Holli


Happy Birthday Holli!
Friendship is forever!

Tomodachi Summer 2012

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Japan cell phone Softbank owner Son-san started up a pretty amazing
program. this summer, he will send 300 high school students from the
affected areas in Tohoku to California. it will be an all paid tuition
for the UCLA summer program and you have until April 16th to get in your
application. i think this is a wonderful idea and a great opportunity.
please call 0120-955-320 for more information. 〆切は4月16日です。 東日
本震災県の高校生の皆さん、夏休みの米国短期留学支援します。 私が16才の時
に留学したカリフォルニア大学へ。 300名、完全無料。 0120-955-320
Hey Son-san, Please think about sending a bunch of kids to Hawaii next
year. They can go to school in the morning, and then I can teach them
how to surf in the afternoon. I just want to teach the kids how to love
the ocean again. I’ve been with Softbank for 10 years so please think
about it.
Thank you Maki-san for sharing this story.

DaKine ISA World Junior Surfing Championship in Panama


DaKine ISA World Junior Surfing Championship
International Surfing Association
Playa Venao, Panama
14 – 22 April 2012
Hawaii Junior National Team
Under-18 Boys
Isaiah Moniz
Koa Smith
Kain Daly
Kaoli Kahokuloa
Under-16 Boys
Ian Gentil
Seth Moniz
Kalani David
Josh Moniz
Under-18 Girls
Tatiana Weston-Webb
Brianna Cope
Mahina Maeda
Dax McGill
Team Officials
Rainos Hayes
Bert Ishimaru
Kahea Hart
Jason Shibata
Tony Moniz
Jill Smith
Tony, Isaiah, Josh, and Seth Moniz!!!!! OMG. Go-Moniz!