Sunday September22日 2024年

Aomori, Bikini Blonde, and Canon.

20 years ago was my first time to Aomori. i remember the waves being good, i remember the food being good, and i remember the people being good. the only bad memory i had was when matchi, sato, and i were driving back from the beach. matchi and i were sleeping in the back and sato was driving. i felt something wrong so i looked up at sato and he was driving 50km and SLEEPING on the wheel!!! his head was to the side and his foot was still on the pedal. i yelled and he got up. till this day, i still wonder what would have happened if i didn’t wake up. on the 15 hour drive back to tokyo, matchi and i didn’t let him drive. that was a pretty scary moment in my life. scary, but funny! haha. we still laugh at that story over the years.

i drank this beer a couple of times and i have to say that it’s one of the smoothest beers i’ve ever drank before. Maui Brewing Co. calls it Bikini Blonde Lager and it’s pretty dam good! try it!

last, i was at Canon yesterday because something was wrong with one of my lenses and camera body. i asked them how much it will cost to fix it and they said $281 for the lens and $260 for the body. what???? yes, i have to get it fixed but paying that price hurts. so the next time somebody asks me for a free photo, i will send them the invoice. haha.

SHIPS Sendai

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Thank you for the package Oyama-san.
Keep on surfing in Sendai!

March 28, 2012 Hawaii Surf Report


Worlds Smallest Puppy!
Good morning 6am.
North shore: 1-2′ and clean at Laniakea.
South shore: Waist high at Ala Moana, little bigger at Diamond Head.
Wind: Light tradewinds. Nice and clean everywhere!
Weather: Cloudy morning sunny afternoon.
Plan: Longboard!
Forecast: 3′ South swell on Thursday and 6′ North/West swell on Saturday!
Have a wonderful day!