Sunday September22日 2024年

How's the Radiation?

a few kids asked me a good question. “how’s the radiation in Japan.” that’s a tough question to answer. i’ve known all this time that the fukushima plant is and was still leaking radiation into the air and water. you don’t have to be a genius to know that this problem just won’t go away in a few days. the radiation is still leaking into the air, the problem still exists, and until the government fixes it, things around fukushima can’t, and won’t get back to normal. today’s news says that the levels at the nuclear plant reached 73 sieverts. want to know what can happen to you if your exposed to that high level of radiation? well, in 1 minute you will start throwing up, and you would die within a month. it’s pretty serious and i just hope it doesn’t get worst. and with all the earthquakes going on around there, and the big one expected, i’m getting a little worried.


They don’t care about us.


