Give Love!

i have a problem. my boat needs love and if i don’t use it often, things break. yeah, the more you use your boat, the less problems you have. the weather and water visibility has been the worst for diving in years. usually we have no wind days but the strong trade winds result in “SMALL CRAFT ADVISORIES,” which mean, don’t take your boat out in these weather conditions. i’m going on a long trip in january so my boat will be sitting and sitting. today was my only day off so i figure i’d start it up and take it for a spin out waikiki. instead of turning left out of the ala wai, i turned right and went all the way down to ewa beach. the water was dirty, the wind was like a hurricane, but the fish were there! they must have been surprised to see me because i loaded up my cooler in 2 hours. on the way back, the wind almost flipped my boat over. it was actually pretty scary. anyway, i survived, i caught dinner, and my boat got the love it needs. everybody is happy right?

it was 2 years ago at a contest in japan when i spotted out this girl. super japanese, super nice, and super cute. i always wanted to shoot photos of her for go-naminori because she’s a fresh face that will catch a lot of eyes. this year is her first year on the north shore of hawaii. asako mizuno is now 18 years old and after she graduates from high school next year, she will surf the world! she a great surfer, and has a great attitude. watch out for asako mizuno in the future!!!

Sunset, Moon, and Star!



Short dive


Big fish!