Hawaii Ocean Expo 2010


Pipeline Surf Check…

Go back to sleep….

eeh?? what??

good morning. after so many summer days here in hawaii, winter has returned. strong north winds and rainy today. north shore is unsurfable. town is almost flat. maybe a waist high set at bowls. good diving conditions but the water is probably dirty from yesterdays surges. wasn’t that pretty amazing?

check out the photos. this was all in a matter of minutes. i was watching channel 7 news during the whole drama because when something happens in the ocean, i know that surfers know best. and weatherman guy hagi is a surfer. he knew exactly what was going on. the guy on CNN was saying that the tsunami produced “pounding waves” and showed video of diamond head. eeh? what? come on. wake up!!!

kairi, gen, and seth came over to my house. seth lives too close to the ocean. and kairi was staying in a hotel in waikiki. they said to the tourists in waikiki to go above the 3rd floor. eeh? what? this is my advise. if a tsunami is coming, get the heck out of waikiki and head to the mountains!!! why even take a chance???? anyway, kairi was expecting a 20′ tsunami wave that broke over waikiki. i think he was a little disappointed over the outcome… haha…

seth was on his computer chatting with his friends. gosh, i still can’t believe how fast this kid can type. he’s looking at me talking and typing at the same time. maybe 100 words a minute? pretty amazing…

and last, i was wondering what sea world was going to do about the shamu show. after 3 days, they made a decision. “the show must go on”. ehh?? what?? are you kidding me??
if a dog bites a person and kills him, it is law that the dog be put to sleep. if a elephant kills a person, they shoot and kill it. if a man kills another person, he goes to jail for the rest of his life. but if a whale kills over and over, he goes back to work 3 days later? eeh?? what?? 3 days later??? tell me money is not involved here…. shame on you sea world….