I am a Surfer, Not a Juror….

good evening. i pull up to jury duty this morning. 40 people were called and they were only selecting 12. the process was long and there were so many questions being asked but the judge and lawyers. 3 hours later, the judge called me and it was my turn to go up and get a seat on the jury panel of 12. i was a little nervous. but first, this is the situation. an elderly japanese man was suing this doctor for malpractice. the elderly man walked in with an aloha shirt, his wife, and one lawyer. then comes the doctor, who walks in wearing an armani suit and two high profile lawyers. right there, i felt sorry for the elderly japanese man. it was the little guy against the big guy. and to make it all worst, the lawsuit was for malpractice for eye surgery. so there i was, the only guy in a t-shirt in the whole court room. the judge asked me if i understood all the directions. i said yes. then she asked me if there was anything i had to say. i said yes. i told her that i’m going to have surgery on my eye so that i may be bias in this case. she asked me why? i told her that my eye is important to me and that if some doctor messed it up, i would sue too. she asked me if i could block out my eye surgery for this case. i told her “no”, how can i not think about it when the witnesses are up here giving their testimony about eye surgery? of course i will think about it. she asked me again if i will be bias in this case. and i said yes again. the old japanese man looked at me, then the lawyers looked at me, and the judge looked at me and said “your dismissed”.
**as i was leaving the building, i was thinking to myself that there was no way i was going to let the old man lose. from the first time i seen him wearing his glasses and his old aloha shirt, i already felt sorry for him. the old japanese man with his wife vs. the rich young doctor? no chance…. sorry judge. being a juror won’t work for me. i’m on the small guys side… and always will….
**and get this, another instruction from the judge was “you are not to talk to this case to anyone, not family, or friends. and you are not to read the newspaper or watch the news because something might be related to this case on tv”. for 12 days? are you nuts? if i was chosen as a juror, i would give you up to date reports every single day. you know me. and i would probably ask the judge if i could shoot photos in the courtroom. haha…
**but i’m glad the judge sent me home. if i had to go back there for the next 12 days from 8:45-4:30pm knowing that there’s 2 swells on the way, i mind would be somewhere else…. remember judge, i’m a surfer. if the surfs up, i can’t concentrate….

i just came in from eating the hugest maguro kama. we threw it on the barbecue it was all good. court, yoga, and some fish. what a life…. goodnight….

Hawaii Underground: Secret Town Spot…..

good morning. 6:15am and i didn’t get up to go surf. i have jury duty. now i know how it feels to get up early, check the waves, see it’s going off, and be stuck in a room all day. that sucks… still chest high leftover sets with pretty dam good conditions. have a nice day and hope i have one too….

ok, like i said before, there is this secret reef that works on the right swell direction, tide, and wind. everything has to fall into place for it to work. if something is off, this spot doesn’t even exist. so as i left the park yesterday, i went to check it out. and it was working again. i saw 5 straight sets peeling and barreling like this. 3 of the waves spit. and was it crowded? nope. nobody was out. your going to have to be my good friend for me to tell you where this is. and if you are out there when i’m there, you better not tell anybody or i will have to hurt you… haha…

part of being an american is having duties. yeah, jury duties… i just got this mail for jury duty last week and the day is finally here, today. what do i have to do? show up 7:30am in town at the court building, sit down with some peers, and make judgement on some case. a judgement that can change some persons life forever. do i have to do it? yes. can i get out of it? no, i already tried…. i gotta go so i’m kind of looking forward to it. i wish i have some difficult case that makes all us jurors argue. because i love to argue…. i’m going to be the hard head guy that doesn’t want to agree. then we will have to stay in there all day. haha… the only thing i’m hoping for is that the guy getting charged isn’t my friend. because if he is, he’s going to be a free man… if you live in america, you have to pay your dues.. and i’m off to pay mine now…. just hope i have a lunch break because kewalo’s is right across the street…. boards in the car and i’m ready to go….

Ahi Fever or Maguro Netsu???

good evening. what a long day again. i pulled up to the park at 8am and the waves were still good. not half as good as yesterday but still pretty dam good. check out ronnie yamada in the back doing a snap. i told ronnie that i was going in after i caught my third wave because i didn’t want to kill my high from yesterday’s awesome session…. 2 more bigger swells on the horizon so i was over it. and plus, i had ahi fever….

after i came in, my sister was dropping off the kids to hook up with a photographer at big rights. i was going to paddle back out but had ahi fever on my mind….

this is “ahi fever” and it’s just begun in hawaii. these monsters are coming in and my friends caught 3 big ones yesterday…. see fishermen keep their spots secret so don’t ask me where they caught it. if you do, i’ll say at marukai reef… get it?

the biggest was over 190lbs or about 80kilos. imagine all that sashimi? and kama???? here is rod and brandon cutting up what’s going to be fresh fish for everybody for days….

not too many people know where the best part of the ahi is. know what toro is? if you don’t, forget it. if you do, get out the wasabi and start eating. gosh, if this was japan, i probably ate about $300 of fresh toro today. it just melts in your mouth…. ahhh….. get me a beer….[:?????????:][:?????????:][:?????????:]