Thursday October17日 2024年

Babi Guling: Indonesia Style….

babi guling means “suckling pig” in indonesia. if you watch the food or travel channel, they will say that there is no place in the world that cooks a pig better than indonesia. i agree. i’ve eaten pig in hawaii, samoa, and the philippines but it doesn’t come close. check out these photos….

first, go on the side and pick out your piggy. it was pretty weird because after getting kalua, i know how smart pigs are. so when i saw this family of pigs, i could tell that they knew what was coming. you could just see it in their eyes. they froze, and when the guy tried to catch one to cook, they all ran for their lives almost breaking down the gate…..

after you choose your pig, you grab it from the rear legs and drag it out….. i’m not going to show you how they kill it because you might throw up…

after you pour hot water on the pig to losen the hair so you can scrape it off with a knife, cut open the stomach and clean it. then stick a thick pole up the ass and out of the mouth…. and you have to do it with a smile… it taste better…

then take the intestines, throw it on the clean ground, and get it ready for the deep fryer. yes, we eat the intestines too….

then you stuff the pig with spices, sew it up, baste it with the blood that came from the heart, and get it ready for the fire…

then you roll it over and over on a hot fire for 3 hours. starting to look good yeah?

then you call your friends and have one of your best dinners ever…
**if you know where to go, your complete cooked pig will cost you $60 and it can feed 30 people. if you don’t know where to go, your complete pig will cost you $150 and it can feed 10 people. along with a possible stomach ache….
**i hope kalua doesn’t see this blog… sorry kalua[:??$B”y(B???:]
** the first time i experienced a pig killing was 10 years ago in bali. i almost threw up and actually had to go back to my hotel room to lie down. since then, i’ve seen it over and over. and over and over i have to go to my room and lie down. including last time in bali. just something you can never get use too. but when you eat it, you forget everything….

Hawaii's Punahou athletics ranked best in U.S.

good morning. 6:10am wednesday morning. south east swell hitting town now. seen some 3′ sets out at bowls but once again, when we have swell here in town, the winds turn bad. yeah, it’s a little bumpy lumpy and not that good. super overcast weather and looks like the vog will return. south east swell with light winds? where’s the spot? ummm, i know where. houselight. i mean lighthouse… i’m out there….

my brother went fishing last night and caught some menpachi’s. with some shoyu, mirin, and sake, it’s all good….

my friend carter just got another puppy. she’s so cute….

this is the best ever doggy photo i’ve ever taken. kawaii…..
**wow, out of 38,000 schools in america, hawaii’s punahou ranked number 1 for their athletic department… that’s a huge accomplishment for that school. that school that put molded golfer michele wie and basketball player, or should i say future president, barack obama…. yeah punahou… i wish my mom had $300,000 so i could have went to that school and became kelly slater… maybe next time? haha…

History of Surf Contest Bikini Contests….

good evening. surfed pretty fun bowls this morning. shoulder high sets with 30 shoulders out there. yeah, packed. i looked at it this evening and there were 40 guys out. forget it… this swell supposed to stick around for a while so no rush. another south/west bump in town this weekend just in time for the local motion surf into summer event at bowls, which happens to be the biggest amateur contest in the world. winds backing off tomorrow making for epic surf and diving conditions. going to do both… have a nice evening….

how many of you remember the TDK Gotcha Pro contest held at Sandy Beach back in the late 80’s? i surely do. i grew up right behind sandy beach and use to surf it everyday. it was the hardest wave to figure out and surf. that’s why derek ho who lived in waimanalo won it almost every year. i entered that contest and made it to the 3rd round. 2 rounds away from surfing against the top 32 surfers of the world. my classmate brad kanashiro was the top placing amateur making it to round 4. the talk of the event was todd mitsui making the main event and going man-on-man with tom curren. i watched that heat and thought todd won, and so did everyone else. but curren ended up winning that heat by a point. that event use to draw almost every single person on this island to sandy beach. the beach was packed with people and the hype was awesome. twice as many people than any triple crown event on the north shore. ten percent use to come out to watch the surfing and the other 90% came out to watch the bikini contest. at that time, it was the best bikini contest in the world…..

the funny thing about it was when the surfer magazine issue came out shortly after. they had a photo of the bikini contest shot from the tower. and when i saw it, i saw myself in the front row with my oakley frogskin glasses on with my mouth wide open. haha.. that was classic…. i have that magazine somewhere and will look for it…

the bikini contests these days are still the spectator draw at contests around the world. more people watch it than the final itself…

and this is why… boys will be boys….