Thursday October10日 2024年

Hardcore Surfing and Diving….

good evening. woke up this morning to heavy rain and strong winds but didn’t stop us from going diving. hardcore diving….

when i called hayato this morning, i was hoping he was going to say “shine it”. but he came up to my house ready. stopped to get gas, sandwiches, ice, and drinks. then it was off to ewa beach….

it’s not good for diving after the kind of rain we’ve been getting. this is not dodo water. this is the ala wai canal. the water was so dirty today that we couldn’t dive the regular spots we go to. i think today was the dirtiest i’ve ever seen it. everywhere all the way down past the airport was dirty….

we found this little patch of clean water. jumped in for an hour and caught these fish. hayato even caught a good size tako too….

i was talking to my friend brandon the other day about eels. he told me that moray eels are super good tasting. if i caught one, he said he will cook it for me. so after 10 or so tries, hayato and i finally got this monster out of the hole. if you don’t know about moray eels, be careful because if this thing bites you, he will rip off your whole finger, or fingers. worst than a dog bite…. i’ll let you know how it tasted after i try it. anyway, for what a terrible day of weather we had here in hawaii, i enjoyed it underwater. i was feeling sick these past 5 days, including this morning. but after my first dive, it went away. my cough, runny nose, sore throat, and headache. all gone. oh how the ocean heals….
**by the way, we checked rockpiles on the way in and the waves were actually good. jun and keiko were out. then passed by bowls and seen kimura-san out surfing. all hardcore surfers. i’m on my way out for a dinner but before that, i’m going up into the mountains to try to get pork for a barbecue coming up…. hope it’s there….

**and oh shit!!! check out this photo matsuo just sent me. this is freezing cold shonan today…. oh my gosh… i’m going out tonight naked….

Team Okinawa in Hawaii….

good morning. 7am on windy saturday. small waves around the island with choppy conditions. cloudy, overcast, and not a good day to go to the beach. i don’t see one surfer in the water as of now. small craft warnings due to these strong winds. not a good day to go diving too. but gotta make the most of it. putting on my full suit and going into the underwater world. hope my boat doesn’t fly away in these winds…. have a nice day…

had a blast last night. it’s been a while since i’ve been out into the town. team wakayama and team okinawa were in town so i knew it was going to be a long night… started off at momomo for dinner. these are my friends… starting off from the left is kimura-san, atsuko-san, satoru-san, kohei-san, ryoji-san, and takahashi-san. after this, i forgot what happened. i just remember flashing lights, loud music, lots of beer, and a hangover…. thanks guys for the awesome okinawa style night. maybe see you again tonight? haha….
**by the way, been traveling throughout this world and wanted to say that nobody parties as hard as the guys in okinawa. these guys go from afternoon all the way to morning light. sleep for a couple of hours, and are pulling into huge barrels over sharp reef the next day. i don’t know how they do it. i always have a blast when i go to okinawa but when i leave there, it takes me a couple of weeks to get back to normal. so much island style fun with the nicest people in the world. that’s one place in the world where i never get home sick. can’t wait to go there this year. and just wanted to say what’s up to the rest of the boys in okinawa… save some snake sake for me… haha. just joking….

Big Sharks in Hawaii….

good evening. went down to bowls this morning to check out the waves and surprise, surprise, bowls had some little fun ones. had a really fun session and was glad to get in the water. north shore was really junk today so a lot of my friends came to town. ran around getting things done in town, including setting up my new gun. and in the news today, microsoft is making a bid to buy yahoo for 44 billion dollars. why? to get bigger and compete with google. gosh, how everybody wants to be number 1….

nothing like shirasu, natto, and miso soup for lunch…. ummmmm……

and wanted to let you know that nothings changing here in hawaii. wind and rain for the next 5 days…. same old shit…..

and last, there are so many sharks in hawaii. they are all over and we just don’t see them. but if you go diving, you’ll see them all the time. check out this 12′ shark swimming in 5′ deep water. i took this photo while on the way out for a dive a few years ago. just another big boy….