A Cozy Massage: Pure Bliss….

good evening. the waves in the north shore were pretty small today. didn’t even surf. went to check out diamond head around lunch time and there were some fun waves. overhead sets with a pretty good angle at light house. only 3 other guys out so i had a good session. the water has been freezing cold these past few days. i almost turned around when i felt the water today. if your coming from japan, better bring a wetsuit top at least…. solid swell forecasted for this weekend and a huge swell at the end of this month. maybe eddie aikau?? hope so….

want the best massage? next time you go to bali, check out “Cozy”…. the full one hour and a half full body massage for $8. the best massage ever… it gets really crowded and a lot of surfers go there so make reservations before you go. here’s the number; 361-16-6762. a massage you will never forget….

can anybody guess where this is? somewhere in japan this past september….

and last, tokura-san going down the line at cloud 9, philippines….

Hole in One….

like many other surfers, i got the golf bug. it all started about 10 years ago when all my surfing friends in hawaii started golfing. i use to go 3x a week and was super into it. spent money i didn’t have and didn’t care. and there was only one way that i was willing to quit….

i told myself that i would quit golfing if i get a hole-in-one. i’m glad it happened a few years after i started or i would still be golfing today. and also be living out of a cardboard box… golfing costs bucks….

winter season 1999. the waves were probably good that day but i didn’t care. so when my surfer friends ask me about golf, i tell them “don’t do it”…. it’s an addiction that ain’t easy to shake off. and it’s unhealthy, and it cost a lot of money… stick to surfing guys….

Magic Gun = Magic Dinner…

good evening. got my new toy today so had to try it out. woke up early to check the waves and it looked junky so hook up the boat, and off to the sea. for some reason, i started using Picasso Guns for the past 2 years. i caught a lot of fish with it but there was always times when i would just completely miss. it gets frustrating and i couldn’t figure it out. i spent so much money and time modifying it and doing all kinds of tricks to make it shoot better, and it didn’t get better. so after i got my gun yesterday, i just had to test it out. so it was off to dive on a day where going diving is crazy. today was windy and not a good diving day…. once i jumped in the water, i loaded my new gun. first shot, fish. second shot, fish. and every shot i took today, fish. this gun is so dam accurate it’s amazing.. am i happy? oh yeah… you know the saying “a magic board can change your life”. the same thing with diving. “a magic gun can change your life”….

this was half of the fish i caught today. the one in my right hand is called an amberjack or “kahala”. not kahala mall. i was watching all these small fish zip on by me so i looked back. there were 6 big kahala’s chasing them. i took out the medium size one and the other 5 kept hanging around. it was pretty cool. wish i had my camera. the fish in the other hand are an uhu and kumu’s…. today was a terrible day to dive but not when you have a magic gun…. wanted to thank andre again… terima kasih…

went diving with shawn. shawn’s the man. check out his fish. and this is only half of what he caught today. and yeah, this is town. it’s not that easy catching fish in town….

when you can load up a big cooler like this in a half days dive, your going home happy.. i’m going to have a merry christmas…. hope you have one too…..
**as for the waves? forget it. small, windy, and junk… north/west swell coming this weekend… yeah!!!