It was very crowded this morning at Bowls as every surfer in town was expecting this rare swell. Kota-san came at the most perfect time! He scored! 
It was a beautiful morning. The conditions were a little tricky but if you had the right mind and proper surfboard, it was great! 
After surfing 2 rounds on the North shore yesterday, Mighty Mouse was very comfortable searching for the biggest waves of the morning. This was one of them. 
Kota-san had some really nice and long rides. He kept on riding wave after wave. 
Gosh, can you believe we’re in the middle of Winter? Super warm and feeling like Summer.
Surfing in a bikini? Yes, this is paradise.
Round 2: Diamond Head was really good, and really really crowded. Look how many surfers were out this afternoon? 
Friday afternoon with a lucky South swell brings out everyone. 
Mighty Mouse paddled out and her goal was to catch some sets. She caught 3 of them and came in a happy surfer girl.
More swell tomorrow and probably more surfers too. Sleep good and see you out there!