stopped by the coolest honey factory on the Big Island. i’m not really a honey lover, but after this visit, now i am. this is some of the best honey in the world. all made on the island of Hawaii. there was a free sample tour and once you taste it, you must have it. thank you Big Island Bees for the sweetness… somebody asked me how to take a foil drone shot. first, i catch a wave on the inside, then pump back out and yell at Seira-chan “GO!” and this girl goes! then i make a U turn and catch the wave from the outside as she paddles for the wave. then since i have a foil, i can get into a wave a long time before it even breaks. this gives me time to set up the best angle for the photo. then once she takes off, i just ride right in front and get the shot. it’s very risky and dangerous, but when you trust someones surfing, nothing is risky and dangerous… want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Nagasawa-san for the chopsticks! i can’t wait to use them! and want to thank the Kuruhara-san family for the miso soup! i love miso soup! “In the end, we only REGRET the chances we didn’t take.”
think about this one. and then you will understand how i live my life. i take chances, i make mistakes, but i never REGRET anything. i’m still learning and without taking chances, i’d still be a baby…