surfing with Seira-chan is super fun because she likes pretty much everything and anything. she don’t care about the rain, it’s beautiful to her. and no matter how big or small, and junk or good the waves are, she will enjoy it. when i was her age, i was the total opposite. i use to complain about everything and anything. haha… but now, i love it!
just paddling out and feeling the raindrops hitting your body, and seeing the raindrops hitting the ocean. it’s pretty therapeutical…
and when you can catch waves in stormy conditions like this, you can catch waves in any conditions.
when Seira-chan sees Kelia, she gets some kind of power. then she takes that power and applies it to her surfing. just like in this beautiful cross step. she kind of looks like Kelia huh?
we were like 2 kids playing in the rain. it was amazing…
then it cleared up a little and got super smooth. then other surfers paddled out. i kind of wished it kept on raining…
omg, i saw the first sign of coral bleaching! this years water temperature has been unusually high. and now it’s killing the reefs again! shock!
i was waiting for 2 months patiently to get the new foil that came out. i couldn’t be patient anymore so i just went to the shop and bought it. see the wing on the top? just that costed me $1,000! omg, Happy Birthday to me! haha…
super stoked to see Azumi-san with his new foil board.
and it’s my dream to go to Ishinomaki to go foil with him. maybe this winter in the snow? welcome to the foil club Azumi-san!