Board Rotation Session


if you see the sun out in the morning.  try to look at the mountains.  then if you see showers, get ready for the amazing rainbow to follow.  that’s why i know where there will be a rainbow.  simple yeah?  Ryu-san is getting good really fast.  yesterday, we took out 3 totally different longboards out and tried them all.  i tell everybody “the longboard won’t adjust to you, so you have to adjust to it.  so for the first wave, keep calm and just go straight.  feel the board and take it from there.”  just like this!  Nao-san adjusted well too.  all you have to do is look forward and enjoy the view…even when the waves are small, i’m still searching for the barrel…Ryu-san on the 10′ and making it look so easy.  my high school friend Russ in the back giving the shaka sign.  sorry Russ for the drop in.  haha…Nao-san on the magic 9’6.  everybody wants this surfboard but this one is going into my grave with me.  haha…i was watching the UFC fights with Keahi yesterday.  he was screaming out loud too!  haha…my Mom has a plant outside her house for years.  it never flowered before so this is the first time.  OMG!  so beautiful!
