this was the first time i took 2 kids at once tandem surfing. imagine one pulling one way and the other pulling the other way. i’m on the back just trying to maintain balance because i know that one mistake could traumatize these kids forever. and when the parents are watching, i’m a little nervous. how would you feel if you saw your 6 year old son falling into the sea. haha…good job kids. it was so nice to surf with you guys!back to the mountain ride. we were a team of 6 and after this Friday, we will be a team of 20. it’s going to get crazy!with these bikes, you can go to places you’ve never been before. and also see things you’ve never seen before.Micah Moniz leading the pack. right about this time, i saw my tire going flat! so i started heading back up the mountain. then when i got up, it happened! my tire came off the bike so i was stranded!and i could see the rest of the boys on the totally opposite side of the mountain. thank goodness for cellular brother came up and took a look. and it wasn’t looking good at all. i was on top of a mountain with a broken bike. how was i supposed to get down?the tube was wrapped around the chain and i couldn’t move. i’m still amazed how my brother fixed this for me and rode it down. how???
anyway, more bikes coming so when you see a pack of 20 guys flying down your neighborhood, you better get out of the way. haha…