Happiest Kids in the World…


 there are 2 of these self driven ocean drones docked at the Yacht Club.  i wonder where it will go to next?  i just planted my organic Christmas tree!  look how cute it is!!!been surfing and foiling at different places recently.  different wave, different vibe, and different connection.  i love different…been looking through old photos i had in one of my folders.  Indonesian Timmy Wau and i fooling around on a boat floating somewhere in the Indian Ocean.  i think this was 15 years ago… when ever i travel, i love to watch kids playing.  this particular time was in the Philippines.  it was in a really dirty river that smelt pretty bad.  i saw fishermen cleaning fish and throwing the guts in the river, i saw ladies washing laundry in the river, people taking baths, and i even seen some people using the restroom in the river.  it’s just part of the culture and you just have to understand that’s how it is and was for centuries.  but the thing that stood out most is the kids swimming around with the happiest faces ever.  no cellular phones, no tv, and no stress.  they looked so free, so happy, and so pure.  it’s so good to see that…
