omg, i just got home and heard the shocking news. the Pipeline Masters is suspended because of positive covid-19 tests the CEO Eric Logan and some of the staff tested positive so they can’t run the Pipeline Masters. and i guess that goes with the Roxy Pro too. shark attack and coronavirus? am i shocked? not shocked because we live in a crazy world and anything can happen at anytime. but i’m shocked because Joshua worked so hard to get his spot in Pipe Masters and now what’s going to happen? like always, i think things happen for a reason so i’m ok with it. but some dreams are shattered, some athletes won’t get a paycheck now, and who knows if the contest season can continue at all in the near future. as of now, the word “suspended” is pretty vague. i’m sure they are trying their hardest to finish the contest, but things don’t look too good. anyway, stay tuned because like i said, things can change in a second…