Let them eat cake!


for my entire life, i’ve always been a tight ass when it comes to donating money. yes, i’ve donated clothes and lots of things over the years to the Big Brothers and Sisters Program, and to the Hawaii Cerebral Palsy. but when it comes to money, i’m pretty careful unless i know it will go in the right hands. that said, check out this story. i got an email from Morikawa-san from a website called Free Tohoku. she commented on my blog and left her link. i never click on links but this one was a Free Tohoku link. exactly what i’ve been feeling. i found out that this is a website set up to help the kids in tohoku. to put smiles on their faces. to put life back into tohoku. honestly, i was teary eyes when going through all the photos of the happy kids. i know first hand how it is up there, and i know what a smile can do to a kids life at times like this.

now, they are trying to raise money for something special. Free Tohoku wants to buy christmas cakes for the kids. it’s the first christmas since the tsunami and it’s going to be a different one for many. a cake surely can light up a kids christmas. here’s the blog post on this topic in both english and japanese. please read it:
This time of year is really busy with Japanese traditional end-of-year parties, not to mention Christmas for the kids. Before the year is out, there is one more thing we must to do… At the kid’s festival at the end of the summer, one of the kids asked me, “When are you coming back?” we didn’t know, but I promised we would be back.
So I need to keep my promise.
About this time, children are starting to wonder if Santa is coming, and if they will get whipped cream or chocolate cake for Christmas (a Japanese Christmas ritual). I wonder what the kids in Ishinomaki are thinking? We want to send Christmas cake to children – of course one cake each. These children, who are trying their best to live after such horrible experiences, deserve to receive a good present from Santa Claus.
Also, the mummies and daddies who are trying so hard, I want to tell them: “Good job, we are with you.” I want to pass this message along in person.
I have learnt from mothers in Ishinomaki and many others on Twitter that two popular cake shops have re-opened – Arpajon and Kazamidori. So I rang both, and they said they could prepare any number of cakes if we order them. It was a warm reply from them.
These cakes benefit the kids and two local businesses to get back on their feet after the tsunami. Great.
I went to the bank today and opened an account as an official volunteer group. We have never asked for any money before, but this time, we want to ask you to support us for this mission.
Here’s the plan: We want to send Christmas cake and cookies to children on Christmas Eve, and also we want to provide Quo pre-paid shopping tokens to mummies and daddies. Here’s a rough calculation at the moment:
100 Christmas cakes = ¥340,000
100 Assorted cookies = ¥100,000
100 Quo cards = ¥200,000
Total: ¥640,000
We will try our best to raise this amount. If we get more, we will send more cakes to more kids.
We hope you like this plan as much as I’m sure the kids of Ishinomaki will, and back us. Let’s give these kids some nice memories at the end of the year.
If you’d like to donate you can either transfer directly to Chiba Bank Ltd, Tennoudai branch, SWIFT code CHBAJPJT, account number 3380190, account name Free Tohoku Abiko Kotobukikai.
Or just pay by credit card via paypal (our email address is our account number – freetohoku@gmail.com).
Thank you.
クリスマスケーキ 100個=¥340,000
サンタからの焼き菓子プレゼント 100個=¥100,000
ママさんパパさんへのQuoカード 100枚=¥200,000
千葉銀行 天王台支店 (テンノウダイ)
口座名義:freetohoku 我孫子寿会(フリートーホク アビココトブキカイ)
PayPal アカウント
Like I said before, i’m really picky when it comes to donating money. and i never ask for donations, except for projects that will help the victims. but this site is legit. i used PayPal to donate my share already and i hope you can help out. one cake is 3,400 yen or about $30. even the small donation will help these wonderful people do their wonderful thing. last checked, they are at 517,213 yen and their goal is 640,000. almost there! this christmas, i don’t want any christmas presents, the best christmas present you could give to me is to buy a cake for a tohoku kid. that would be cool.
