Pipeline: The Day….


good aloha friday morning in hawaii and happy valentines day in japan[:?????(J\(B????????????:] it’s 8am and really windy now. tradewinds are finally back and will be 30mph for the next week. clouds, sun, wind, rain, and choppy surf. get use to it. the cool thing about the tradewinds are the awesome rainbows that form. the kind that you follow from town the the north shore. hey, HSA haleiwa contest tomorrow at haleiwa. if you didn’t enter yet, go down to the beach early and talk to wendell. he’s the man. north shore 2′, town 1′. if your desperate, go surf. i’m going to sit at home and try to figure out how to use my new blackberry phone. it’s so dam confusing…. HELP!!! or maybe i should go surf instead….
**more photos on the epic day at pipeline….

here’s dino miranda sitting in the pocket with his longboard…..

jamie sterling pulling in deep…..

like photographer john callahan always told me, “a bright red airbrushed surfboard makes the photo look 10X better”. i think so too…
