Kalua's first Photo…..


good evening. what a beautiful day it was here in hawaii. sunny skies, warm water, and small perfect waves. i surfed this perfect chest high right and left today with only a couple of other surfers out. caught so many good ones and had an awesome session. can’t say where it was because i’m going out there tomorrow again.

took a spin through waikiki today on my way to eat lunch at rainbows. now i know why hawaii is popular with tourists. if i was a tourist, i’d come here too….

just saw the east oahu newspaper today. and guess who got the cover? yeah, kelia. there’s an article on her inside and even kalua got a photo in there. kalua’s first editorial photo. good job kalua. you photo slut….

after that photo shoot, kalua needed a break. here he is sleeping on my slipper. i still can’t get over how big he is. i went to two countries where there are pigs on every corner but i still haven’t seen a pig bigger than him…. oh, and if you seen what’s in my hand, yes, that’s a new apple macbook. wanted to thank my sister tammy for busting it out. arigato gozaimasu….

this is how my day ended. a swim at my favorite beach. this is the war memorial that has been closed for years. i remember when i was a kid, we use to go inside and swim in the salt water pool. i hope they fix this up because this place is pure beauty….
