Bye Bye Hawaii Super Ferry!!!


good morning. 5:30am and i bet the waves are just as beautiful as yesterday. will find out soon. i’m out of here… have a great day!!!
**remember the super ferry? now you see it, now you won’t…. yeah, somebody screwed up on making exceptions in the laws to let the super ferry operate. they got busted and now the ferry service is stopped from today. congratulations to go airlines and hawaiian airlines…. your stock should be going up as i’m writing this blog…

last summer, i went to maui using the super ferry with mito, ayako, and aki. we all had cars but nobody wanted to take theirs on the ferry. why? because nobody wanted their cars stuck on maui. we ended up renting one… gosh, i feel sorry for all the people who’s cars are stuck on maui now….

the day we went, the ocean was as flat as it gets. perfect conditions for a perfect trip. gosh, i had a great time with these girls…

V.I.P all the way there, and back… gosh, i’m going to miss the super ferry….
